A traineeship is a programme of structured training which combines learning in an education and training setting and in the workplace aiming to improve employment outcomes for participants and increase retention and productivity within industry
Donegal ETB currently offers the following traineeships:
— Beauty Specialist
— Business & Professional Administration
— Communication Systems Installation
— Donegal Weaving
— Engineering- Welding and Fabrication
— Hairdressing
— Healthcare Support
— Horticulture
— Intellectual Disability Practice
— Marine Engineering
— Medical/Legal Administration
— Outdoor Activity Instructor
— Public Works Operations and Maintenance
Traineeships enable students to develop cutting edge skills and knowledge on the-job, making them more skilled, more employable and enhancing their career options.
Donegal ETB provides traineeships in a variety of locations across the county
Traineeships are free and you may be paid a training allowance but some fees may apply. For example with the Beauty Specialist Traineeship, students are responsible for purchasing their own makeup kit costs which generally cost around €350.00 (a payment plan can be arranged in this case). You can also claim an accommodation allowance if you need to live away from home for the duration of the course or a travel allowance
You can apply for a specific skills training at various times throughout the year.
You can apply online through https://www.donegaletb.ie/ fetcoursefinder (use the skills word such as welding or surf as your keyword) or through the CAO - https://www.cao.ie/ (from November each year).