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A Christmas message for our Donegal Diaspora

As we enter the final stretch before the festive season it is important to acknowledge the time of year and all that it entails. For some it’s a time of joy as friends and family come back together but for some it can be a time for sadness and reflection.

2022 has been the year we have crept slowly from the clutches of the Covid-19 pandemic. We have embraced our bars and restaurants once again, tourism has kicked back into gear around the county and large-scale job announcements have been forthcoming once more for Donegal.

We’ve had our difficult days too, the war in Ukraine has had a direct effect on many of us through the rising cost of electricity and gas but it has been lovely to see how welcoming we have been to those who have fled the war and come to Ireland. We have been welcomed the world over and it is always nice to see it reflected back on those who come to us.

The Creeslough disaster was a terrible tragedy that has affected so many lives here in Donegal. Those lost in the tragedy shall never be forgotten. We also thank our Emergency Services and all those who assisted in the efforts to save lives that day.

An Cathaoirleach, Cllr. Liam Blaney

A Christmas message from the Cathaoirleach of Donegal County Council, Cllr. Liam Blaney:

“Christmas 2022 will be a time to rejoice for many of our Diaspora. After a difficult couple of years many will be arriving back to Donegal to spend the holiday season with their loved ones, some of whom they won’t have seen for some time. Traditionally, over 750,000 people return to Ireland from abroad for the festive season. Many families will have stayed connected digitally over the past couple of years and it’s fantastic that they will be able to reconnect in person this year.

At this time of year we keep in our thoughts the families who have lost loved ones during 2022. We especially keep in our thoughts and prayers the families affected by the disaster in Creeslough and the family of Private Seán Rooney, tragically killed whilst on a peacekeeping mission in the Lebanon.

I would like to take this time to wish you and yours a very Happy Christmas and a Happy New Year wherever in the world you are celebrating it”.

As the Donegal Diaspora Officer I’d like to wish all members of the Global Donegal family a Happy Christmas and a Happy New Year. Here’s hoping 2023 will be a prosperous year for the County of Donegal.

Nollaig shona agus blian úr faoi mháise daoibh uilig.

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