EDIN - European Digital Nomads

Digital nomads (DN) are skilled professionals of high added value sectors who can work digitally from anywhere. They usually seek places suitable to their lifestyles, with good internet connections, quality of life, affordable prices, a well-preserved natural environment and access to local culture. Attracting DN to the territories bring a number of benefits such as the provision of skills and talent in areas that are losing them, they can strengthen proximity service and they can be an opportunity to prescribe new areas to explore in terms of tourism.


EDIN partners cover 7 different regions in Europe with different contexts and one common need: the improvement of their policy instruments to attract DN in an effective way and in view of the sustainable development of the territories. Partners have different levels of experience in addressing the DN phenomenon for the benefit of the territory. Donegal County (Ireland) has extensive experience with a fully-fledged strategy and a clear goal to attract DN. Tuscany Region (Italy) has observed the importance of this phenomenon and it makes now part of their ERDF regional OP. The North-East Region (Bulgaria), Kainuu Region (Finland), Galicia (Spain), Lazdijai Municipality (Lithuania) and Møre and Romsdal (Norway) wish to develop and adapt their policy instruments in the same direction. And all partners wish to learn from each other and bring the European perspective to the policies already in place.

Interregional cooperation will lead to an interregional report that will identify the main aspects that need to be discussed during the project implementation, and then transferred to the policy instruments. Besides, a number of exchange activities among all partners, the associated partners and their local stakeholder groups will be organised.

All these actions will imply the improvement of the identified policy instruments and will lead to increase the presence of DN in the partner territories by 30% in 2028.



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