
Call for new members for the Donegal Older Persons Council

Donegal Older Persons Council was established in 2016 as a part of the structures of the Donegal Age Friendly Alliance. The vision of the Donegal Age Friendly Strategy is to make Donegal a better place in which to grow old.

The role of Donegal Older Persons Council is to represent the voice of older people on decision making structures and to assist in the implementation of the Donegal Age Friendly Strategy.

An Executive Committee manages the activities of Donegal Older Persons Council, the executive committee is drawn from the registered membership of the Older Persons Council

The AGM is being held next Tuesday, 28th March in the Clanree Hotel, Letterkenny at 10am, if anyone is interested in attending it would be a good opportunity to find out more.

If you wish to join Donegal Older Persons Council please complete the form below.

Completed registration forms should be sent to:

Mairead Lynch, Community Development Division, Dungloe Public Services Centre, Dungloe

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