Nutrition and sleep are the key elements to hormone rebalancing, body repair and mental well-being to prevent adverse outcomes such as post partum mood disorders (depression, anxiety, rage etc.) and auto immune disorders (hair loss, skin disorders, digestive and thyroid issues).
As a post partum nutrition coach I offer postpartum nutrition guidance and will cook postpartum meals for her so she can gain the best nutritional needs that are unique to a postpartum mother for optimal recovery.
I provide sleep support to optimize her recovery and hormone rebalancing.
Selfcare is of utmost importance for a mother at every stage of her journey not just the beginning but it is a great place to start. Other services I offer are tapping, massage, belly binding and vaginal steaming for self care and relaxation.
As a trained life-coach it is my aim to assist her in navigating this journey by holding space for her and support her in gaining confidence as a mother to move forward as her best self.
It is my vision that you gain clarity and knowledge of how to navigate the post partum period without struggles, overwhelm or mood disorders but with the joy and serenity that was intended for you.
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